Saturday, September 8, 2007

What They Don't Tell You

Talking with my girlfriends at work this week (by the way, am I the only one who isn't a great-grandmother that still calls friends who are girls "girlfriends"?), the topic turned to things They don't tell us. Such as, when we were growing up, shouldn't someone have told us that when we got older, that mole on our chins would grow a big ol' black hair out of it? Wouldn't it have been much easier, less shocking, if we had been warned?

Know what else They don't tell you? That once you start knitting, you will want to knit everything you see! Especially when it comes to Christmas knitting, where my eyes are definitely bigger than my stomach -- I mean, budget... time limit... talent limit.

I have already started my Christmas knitting, and good thing, too, because every day that passes, I find another project, another gift for another person. Shown to the top right is some yarn for two Super Secret Christmas Projects: Ella Rae Classic Wool, on sale at Webs, and Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece in "Provincial Rose." Shown to the left is my progress on Danica, which will also be a Christmas gift, but the future recipient does not read this blog, so it is not an Official Super Secret Christmas project. There is also one other Super Secret Christmas Project on the needles which is so Top Secret, it cannot even be photographed! And that's not all! There's more to come! I can't stop myself! Handknits for everyone!


-R- said...

That Danica scarf looks so cool!

KelInCal said...

Yes - a warning would have been nice, on all accounts. :D

Danica looks great!

CraftyGryphon said...

Nope, all-we-all where I work say "girlfriend" to mean "friends that are girls". Even the boys - if they mean the girl-they're-dating, they call her by name or say "my significant other".

And Danica is just cool. I love the perspective in the photo... like it goes on forever and ever!

Janet said...

I learned how to do entrelac making my first Danica... and I'm now currently knitting my 3rd. Look out, it's a bit addictive!

Anonymous said...

You can tell me...I won't tell anyone.
